Questions / Answers

Is it possible to conduct the cleansing sessions by the method of Cosmoenergy for people who do not believe in God?

Now we are going to talk about people who do not believe in God, so let’s find out how they can relate to Cosmoenergy and its healing practices. Please note that egregores (including religious egregores) provide assistance only to those people who are involved in them. In contrast, the Cosmoenergy technologies allow us to deal with anyone, even those people who are not included in any religious egregore. The Creator`s Programmes for rehabilitation/recovery, development and evolution of a consciousness mean only one object – a human, who is living on the planet Earth. It does not matter in what egregore is involved a person who asks us for help (healing and/or training). Cosmoenergy – is not a religious structure, but the comprehensive and coherent system of contemporary knowledge about the Human and the Creation. Therefore, if a person does not believe in God, it does not prevent him/her from learning and understanding the energo-informational processes that exist in the energy system of a human. The study of all these questions can help people to become masters of their own fate. 

On the one hand, it is good that dogmas of the Church do not hinder the rapid progress of a person in terms of the ‘opening’ of their mind and the widening boundaries of their consciousness. However, on the other hand, a human is faced with the necessity of studying strict laws and rules, according to which they have to function/live in order to develop themselves at all levels and to solve problems. A human inevitably comes to the comprehension of their personal work in the ‘programme of life’, which is compiled for each person individually. This is the realization of the fact that ‘someone’ is engaged in programming of human lives (‘someone’ is drawing up certain programmes for us). Therefore, gradually, people reach the understanding the existence of the Creator – the Programmer of all and everything what exists. The effect of high-frequency energetic flows does not depend on whether a person believes in God or in the fact that these energetic flows have some impact on him/her. The frequencies that we use are doing their ‘job’ unconditionally, if an individual gives consent to carry out this work for him/her.

Visiting ‘Holy Places’ and ‘Places of Power’ can be considered as a healing experience as such places have the curative effect on a human. Here, the health and general well-being of a person can be significantly improved, even without a person’s clear understanding of processes that occur with him/her there. ‘Places of Power’ – the certain places on the planet where the powerful energy flows of positive energies of the solar system are located. In such places people can obtain a correction and saturation of their energy fields as well as a recovery of their vital forces. The majority of people do not understand these processes, thus these ‘magical’ places become places of pilgrimage for people of absolutely all religious faiths, and no one is asking: ‘Can I, adherent of a particular religion, visit such a place?’.  Apparently, no one has this kind of question in mind because these energetically powerful places exist for all of us, and people are free to go there regardless of their religious believes. We travel there in order to improve our health and well-being and to balance and harmonize ourselves.
In order to provide you with even deeper understanding in this regard, let’s draw a parallel concept – the impact that low-frequency energies have on us, despite the fact that we believe in it or not. For example, in everyday life each of us, especially who lives in the city, is exposed to the low-frequency impact of electronic tracking systems and devices as well as ‘zombification programmes’ of society and irradiation by psychotronic weapons, etc. It does not matter if we believe (or not) that this negative influence exists. Unfortunately, here ‘nobody’ is asking our permission. The negative effect of low-frequency energies takes place anyway, regardless of people’s opinion about it. If a person has difficulties to believe that such negativity exists and has impact on us, then it simply shows a person’s ignorance and a lack of knowledge in this field, which, consequently, lead to the lack of understanding. And, if there is no understanding, then it is easier to reject and say: “I do not believe it”, than to cope, learn and think about these issues. Thus, such a human can be considered and characterized as an unreasonable being. That is who an unbeliever is.

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